Friday, July 8, 2016



Today was beach day and Day 0 of AX which means BADGE PICKUP~!

So we started the day bright and early (this is going to be a theme really) so we could head to the beach without it being freezing like it was last year! Some of the people in my room wanted to go to the fashion district so we split up from here.

I was wearing a Kumamon dress so I wanted my hair to match--

We took the Metro to the beach and finally visited UNIQLO~! I got a cute Up shirt from their Pixar collection which I... failed to take a picture of// But I'll take it one day it's too cute so I'll rewear it often probably AHA~ PLUS Uniqlo shirts are SUPER GOOD QUALITY SO?? Like I can't believe how good the shirts were// I should've bought more while I wish one to come to Texas ahaa

Beach crew waiting for the train wazzup.

But yea after Uniqlo we went to the pier! At this point we were really hungry so we were like hm we're by the beach might as well eat SEAFOOD! I tried the shrimp and chips from Albright (which I ALSO failed to take a picture of;;) The shrimp itself was HUGE but we also only got six pieces of shrimp and I shared my plate with Kenya and orz It was not enough;; 

My son at the beach. Nice.

We made our way to the actual beach after and GOD I DID NOT KNOW SAND COULD BE SO HOT-- I thought I was burning my feet there ;__; But yeah eventually we found the rest of our group and we decided to BEACH~! It really only meant splashing around the waves a bit and not actually going in the water but it was fun :'D We honestly couldn't spend too much time out in the sun so we were like WHATEVER LET'S GO BACK TO UNIQLO!


So yeah people bought more stuff at Uniqlo and then we got some drinks at Starbucks because hahaha does LA not believe in water fountains..? orz;;

It was a delicious Caramel Macchiato though! One of the best I had!

My memory of after what happened is kinda fuzzy but... I think we got hungry again so we went to get ramen..?! But not before we went shopping a bit at Marukai to pick up lunch and stuff for tomorrow! So convenient to have a grocery store like 3 minutes from out hotel bless *__*

Orochon ramen yumm~

We also visited Kinokuniya and I tried to resist but I didn't and I bought stuff. OK well FIRST I bought the exact same Magi volume I bought when we were in LA in January (do I have the memory of a goldfish or what??) and then I bought an Osomatsu pillow. HE WAS TOO CUTE.

He's supposed to be fighting but the way he's placed on the pillow just makes him like.. 
PAH! at you. It's really cute!

After this we went to pick up badges which took a bit longer than last year? The line was still huge at 9pm which was kind of surprising but it only took 10-15 minutes so whatever. After badge pickup we went back to the hotel because LONG LONG DAY AHEAD OF US TOMORROW! We were determined to get those Suwabe autograph tickets I tell you!! But ok here's some picture dump. Calm before the storm~

Ye ye we made it to AX!!

Giant Sakura poster!! Fitting because the figure is giant lol

Inflatable Monster Hunter monster..?? It was cool so I took a picture.

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