Thursday, January 11, 2018

Getting Around in Korea - Useful Apps

I still have like 3 more days of blog posts to write from my Japan trip, but here I am writing blog posts for a different set of travel adventures! I went to South Korea in December 19-31, 2017 for a Wanna One concert and I had an amazing time there! I wanted to write a couple of blog posts sharing my experiences there because I had a hard time finding relevant blog posts about traveling there??

So here we go! A set of travel tips and experiences from the point of view of someone who did a very very spontaneous trip to Korea to watch a k-pop concert! This first blog post was meant to be a general finding your way around post, but I ended up writing a lot so I'll save more finding your way around tips for later LOLOL;; Small disclaimer, I did have a friend come with me who speaks Korean and has been to Korea before so that did help when I was going around, but I think these tips should still be useful even if you or anyone in your group can't speak Korean.