What's up what's up it's today's cos!
Day 1 was a long long day!! Misha and I woke up at 3:30AM and got to the con center by 4:30AM with Sei so we could line up for SUWABE JUNICHI AUTOGRAPH TICKETS! We waited for almost 4 hours and in the end I got number 13! At first I thought it was counting up but I was like no way I'm pretty sure I was like 200th in line or something. BUT YEAH it was counting down and 13 people later I would have missed him OH MY GOD/// Since I was cosplaying Riku this day, I went ahead and did my makeup in line. After we got our tickets, we nyoomed back to our hotel so we could get changed and nyoomed back to the con center cause his autographs started at 10:30! Little did we know it would be like a 40 minute wait to even get INSIDE.

linecon starts not even bright but early
SO YEAH I think we got to the autograph line at 11ish..? We were priority so we didn't worry about it too much BUT AHGAKLFJ WAITING TO GET THE THING ACTUALLY SIGNED SO NERVE WRACKING/// Once it was my turn to go up there, I had him sign my Utapri 5th anniversary book, and he looked at my cosplay. We were joking before that if he thinks I'm Otoya I should just say yes because it's freaking SUWABE?! And sure enough when I got up there.
Suwabe: Ah are you Otoya?
Me: [out loud] はい!///////
Me: [In my head] HECK YEA I'LL BE OTOYA FOR YOU!!!
If Suwabe thinks you're Otoya then you are Otoya. I had a lot of stuff since I had to give him my letter + Suwabe plush present and then the thing I was signing so I think in that process I lost the slip of paper they had me write my name on??? BUT YEA because of that he finished signing his name and I was like ?! ah where is my slip? Translators and stuff found it in the end but he didn't know where to put my name cause he already signed it so he was testing out a bunch of places until he just kinda put it underneath his signature--
After he signed it, I told him I followed him on Instagram and I really liked his pictures of Zero! His translator got confused at first because Zero..? Until she realized 「あ!ゼロちゃん!」and Suwabe heard that and was like "Ah, Zero? My son!" and at that point I just KLAFJLAKJDL YOU CALL YOUR LITTLE DOG YOUR SON WHAT A GREAT HUMAN BEING YOU ARE--!!!!! I didn't end up going to his panel later since they capped the line but I heard he told everyone to call him Be-san?! Yes I will call you whatever you want Be-san.
SO YEAH after the signing we were like it's hella hot in this room and I hope they turn it up later (but spoilers they don't) so we were like maybe the Exhibit Hall will be cooler?? So we were making our way up there but since it was Friday still like 11AM the hall didn't open yet so we saw the opening. And wow that opening. The brought in Taiko drummers?? And they just did this drumroll thing I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO CALL IT and then suddenly AX was open and everyone rushed inside the Exhibit Hall.
They had a drummer on like each corner and it was actually kind of scary.
It was a bit cooler in the Exhibit Hall for maybe like 10 seconds. And then it got hella hot again. BUT YEAH we went in and saw a line for what appeared to be a giant Kakki poster..!? I got really worried so I asked the people in line and they were like "Yea we're lining up for that voice actor! He's here!" And I'm just like gurl you don't know what you're talking about why would Kakki be here already and you just call him that voice actor EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME--!! But that's a story for another day.
I don't know the game but CUTE GIRLS YEEE!!
Misha and I walked around the Exhibit Hall a bit and then I saw they had their Anisong line up so I was like !!! we need to get our shirts and lightsticks because things might sell out and that would be terrible! So she lined up for that and I tried to find Bookwalker so I could get Nami Sano's autograph maybe..? But YEAH at this point they were like "Only 30 tickets were give out a day!" And bc of that I was just like geh am I ever gonna get her autograph ;; But I ended up entering their lottery thing and I got a pretty cute SAO clear file so I guess that's ok??
It got REALLY hot at that point and I saw the Pony Canyon booth was giving out Sound Eupho fans so I was like PLEASE I NEED A FAN-! I tried getting a fan from the Kumiko but she JUST ran out so I tried getting it from Reina and that's how I met Ellome!!! She noticed that I was cosplaying Riku and I was just ?!?!?! Another i7 fan?! Cause JUUUUUST before we left to go back to the con center to get Suwabe's autograph, this Nozomi (OMG I JUST REALIZED THIS COSER WAS TUNA--) literally ran into me (she was cosing Paradise Live and had the roller blades on) asking if I was Riku and I got so startled YES IDOLISH7 FANS I LOVE YOU ALL--! BUT YEA we chatted about i7 for a while which made me REALLY HAPPY WAHh~ Then I realized that oop I should probably meet up with Misha again--
B-Blurry pic because I didn't change camera settings until after oops--
Voltage booth!! SHINSENGUMI THEMED! AND I HAD MY ITABAG!!!!! So of course I hold it up proudly because SHINSENGUMI!! The lady who took my picture was just like oh! your smile is nice! And I'm just AHAHA THANK YOU-- I JUST REALLY LOVE SHINSENGUMI-- I didn't find out until later but the Voltage booth babes we actually their own employees?! Well good job for hiring good looking employees?!
The one on the right is Okita. O♥K♥I♥T♥A!
Afterwards I told Misha about the Cybird booth a bit more down because they have a really cute booth babe there so we went there and they had one of their sticker your favorite boy things there! They had one for Okita up earlier (BECAUSE MORE SHINSENGUMI BOYS HERE TOO OMG) but when I went back they changed the boys out. The cute booth babe was still there tho LOLOL;; I got a pic and he realized that I was cosing Riku! He was like "Ohh! Not even a lot of people in Japan has cosplayed Restart Pointer yet!" And I was just so surprised at how many people know Idolish7 /CRIESS
We played around at more booths and one of them was offering this themed Japan tours? Misha and I were planning on going to Japan next year so we thought it might be a good resource! But the tours were based in LA and aha it costs like $300 to fly to LA alone;;
But their booth was cute!!
I think it was like 2pm at this time? But we walked by the Rilakkuma booth and saw that it was like 10 minutes until a Rilakkuma meet and greet and we were just like wtf is that, but it was worth it because RILAKKUMA!!!!!
I think we tried going to the artist alley after this. Or maybe it was before. What is timelines anymore-- But artist alley! It was. Sweltering. I was sweating so hard in long sleeves and pants I thought I couldn't breath ;__; But I got to talk to a couple of artists and met Suisei there!! I got a Riku, Tenn, and Sogo badge from her and they're so adorable ///// I also got Cosu's Tsukki R18 book and stamps for Iza! We also ran into Yasha in there too and took polaroids! When I stop being lazy I'll scan those in LOL;;
But after that we couldn't handle the heat of the AA anymore so we were like eh let's check out the entertainment hall! We actually never made it in that day but it was a good effort LOL;; On the way there we met Rachael and Olive who were also i7 fans and aklsfjas just so many i7 fans I was in love with this con. OH BUT ALSO WE RAN INTO RE:VALE WHAT'S UP-- I don't think I got their Twitter though so ah--;;
AHA so like I said before we never made it to the entertainment hall and I'm not exactly sure what we were doing instead?? We sat down outside of it and grabbed our super live tickets but I thinkkk after that we were too pooped to do anything and just went back to our hotel..?? And probably get dinner lol. I wanted to take pics of Riku but it was hot and my falsies already fell off so I just thought SCREW IT!! I think that pretty much concludes day 1?!
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