Friday, November 27, 2015

Anime North Texas 2015 - Sunday

Our table baes

Sunday was a pretty slow day~ Didn't have any other cos so just went out as a normie. Set up the table bright and early and was surprised at how many commissions I got again-- I mean it was only 3 but it was also last day of the con, and since it was my first time taking commissions I didn't want to take anymore ah...

Anime North Texas 2015 - Saturday

Mochiron Store's Table at ANT~!

Woke up Saturday with the intention of just tabling all day!! And it somewhat worked out..? It was my first time being in a close door artist alley (bc the only ones I've been at were AnimeFest where they have set hours but nobody follows them), and I really liked it over how AnimeFest's is run *__* Afest has its perks where you can sell as long as you like, but having a set time where you can just relax after you're done is super nice too!!

Anime North Texas 2015 - Friday


Friday was pretty hectic! Went home on Thursday to finish packing and then got dropped off at my apartment in the morning. Had to finish a shiny Magikarp commission for Rina, so quickly did that and took some photos of it. Also trimmed my wigs (although I don't think this did much...) for Osomatsu-san cosplay later. Finished packing up after class then it was off to Leon's to pack up the car and also trim his hair!

Going to downtown Fort Worth was a new experienced. Really surprised with how close it is to Arlington and at how clean it is compared to Dallas! But we got a super close meter parking and then waited for the rest of the Matsuno family in the lobby~ I brought my small camera to take pictures, but tbh I only took pictures in the lobby and completely forgot about it after... oops :'D More pictures under cut~!